During the Covid-19 pandemic where we are required to reduce our outdoor activities, there are many activities are alternated into online methods. This also influences the teaching and learning activities in Nutrition Science Study Program (Prodi) Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS).

The Final Semester Examination (UAS) Odd academic year of 2020/2021 is the third test while the pandemic is still going on, so it still uses online methods. Reviewing from previous online exam experiences, various obstacles of online exams can gradually be resolved well, because with the technological conveniences of today and because humans are actually adaptive.

The meeting was opened and guided by Farida Nur Isnaeni, M.Sc. This meeting discussed two main topics, the Final Semester Examination preparation and practice exam.

The first session of the meeting was guided by Pramudya Kurnia, STP., M.Agr as Secretary of Study Program II and meeting leader. Technically presented implementation of UAS, including:

  1. The 2020/2021 Gasal semester lecture ends on January 9, 2021.
  2. Lecturers are required to fill out a lecture journal on the web in accordance with RPS and learning process no later than January 11th, 2021.
  3. Students who do not attend at least 75% of courses cannot attend the final exam (UAS).
  4. Hold the final exam (UAS) online (e-UAS) through the Schoology or Open Learning online application.
  5. The final exam (UAS) of Odd Semester 2020/2021 is held on from January, 18th to 30th 2021.
  6. Questions are organized with considering the possibility of minimizing potential fraud, providing objective and transparent evaluation to students.
  7. One course is only allowed to have one type of exam question script even though the course is taught by several lecturers (Team Teaching).
  8. Quality Assurance Group / Faculty / Study Program provides assistance to those who are not familiar with the application.
  9. Study Program / Exam committee does not serve the printing of student answer sheets for lecturers.
  10. The evaluation of learning activities (PBM) is done by students on the date of January, 4th-9th 2021. The lecturer can remind the students to fill out the PBM evaluation for this semester.
  11. Printing out the exam cards by students can be done on January, 11th-16th 2021.
  12. Input of grades by lecturers was conducted on January 20th, 2021 – February 4th, 2021.
  13. Final exam (UAS) schedules and things that have not been set will be notified later.
  14. The script of the questions is sent by the lecturer no later than Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 to the email [email protected] or [email protected]. Questions are sent in the SOAL_UAS_20/21_Name file format of the Course. Example: SOAL_UAS_20/21_Chemistry.

In the second session of the meeting, the technical presentation of e-UAS Practice exams Odd academic year of 2020/2021 was delivered by Eni Purwani, M.Si as The Head of Basic Laboratory, the results are including:

  1. The Odd Practice Exam 2020/2021 will be conducted online.
  2. The practice exam schedule will be scheduled on the sidelines of the written final exam (UAS).
  3. Practice response that is tested in written form will involve the practice exam committee because the process of making pre and post test questions needs to be done one by one.
  4. The practice exam process will be accompanied by a unit of structural and laboratory helpers.