Study Program Coordination Meeting (April)

Nutrition Science Program held a regular coordination meeting on Friday, April 2nd, 2021 via online using the Zoom meeting platform. Obstacles and various online activities in each semester require a place to communicate for the coordination of all lecturers and educational personnel (tendik) to create an optimal atmosphere of Teaching Learning Process (PBM). The meeting was attended by lecturers and education personnel of Nutrition Science Program.

The meeting was opened and guided by Dyah Intan P, M.Nutr as Secretary of Prodi I (Sekprodi I). Head of Nutrition Studies Program Endang Nur W, M.Si.Med gave a speech as well as chaired the meeting.

The coordination meeting discussed two main matters, those are activities related to PBM and activities of the Study Program Development Plan (RPPS). The head of Prodi in the meeting discussed several things which are described below.

  1. There are still lecturers who have not filled the attendance-list. Non-Permanent Lecturers (DTT) 100% have filled the attendance-list, Permanent Lecturers (DT) 90%, some lecturers have not filled at all and some are just now to fill them.
  2. Preparation for the question of Midterm Exam (UTS) (this week entered the 5th meeting). Week 6 lectures, the questions for UTS are expected to be submitted to the committee. Week 7 will be conducted a review of the questions. The e-UTS platform to be used for the mid-exam is still undecided. The online exam media used will be discussed during the meeting with faculty.
  3. In general, online Field Work Practices (PKL) are running well.
  1. Students suggestion related to evaluation of PBM (E-PBM) Gasal semester 2020/2021 regarding to synchronization. In accordance of rector’s regulations, online PBM is done with online PBM media that is preferred using Open Learning (OL). Synchronization, if needed, can be done with a duration of 30-50 minutes aimed for clarification of lecturers about the material that has been lectured. Synchronization is not mandatory if the material delivered through OL or power point is clear enough. Based on the rector’s rules, Prodi of Nutrition study program suggests synchronization can be done every two or three meetings once so that synchronization is done longer which is 60-100 minutes in hope that the synchronization will be more effective.
  1. Teaching and Learning Process (PBM). When practicum, the time of giving modules and the practicum assignments can be adjusted so then the students have the opportunity to study the modules, work on the assignments and conduct the report papers. The provision of lecture materials is adjusted to the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) of the course and the exam questions are based on the materials given to students. Lecturers should provide transparency of exam results to the students.
  2. Competency Test Results (UKOM). Participants from Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) were 184 students, graduated participants were 183 students (graduation rate was 99.5%). The Pass Limit (NBL) score is 43.3, the highest score of UMS participant is 78.9, while the lowest score of participant from UMS is 35.6, the average score is 62. The national average is 58.4. It needs the bank of questions of UKOM to prepare for the next UKOM. The target of graduation is 100%.
  3. Proposal Seminar. The proposal seminar will be held from April 10 to May 25, 2021.
  4. RPPS. There are two studies and four submissions from lecturers submitted to my ums system in the Lecturer Individual Development scheme (PID). In order to facilitate Tri Dharma Integration Grant (HIT), there will be a coaching of international journal clinic on April 17, 2021.

In the discussion session there were several suggestions given by lecturers related to PBM activities as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the lecture, lecturers delivered a learning contract to students, it is necessary to convey/give understanding to students that online lectures do not always use a synchronization system through online media such as Google meet, Zoom, etc.
  2. It is necessary to evaluate the Field Work Practices (PKL) online with clinical instructors (CI) and Academic Supervisors (SA).  Prodi will ask for advices and suggestions on the implementation and process of online PKL for the improvement of Prodi for the better future PKL.
  3. Prodi will provide additional facilities that needed by CI in the implementation of online PKL in order to facilitate the mentoring process.
  4. In Nutrition Status Assessment course (PSG) lecturers recommend the students to have measurement tools such as: microtoice, weighted scales, food scales in Household Size (URT) because the tools are not expensive tool, and will be useful for students themselves (related to family measurement needs and student thesis research).
  5. Students who live close to the puskesmas can come as the representatives to the place by still keeping the health protocols to submit PKM PKL reports to CI, although it was agreed in the beginning that PKL is conducted via online.
  6. The Midterm Examination (e-UTS) will be held on April 19, 2021. The review process will be completed before April 17 because it coincides with other activities which are recognition activities. The recognition with UITM Malaysia will be held on 17 April 2021. It is aimed to have time to revise questions, especially multiple choice questions that take longer time to upload on the exam platforms with OL platforms. If eventually the implementation of e-UTS is using the OL platform, we will find the easiest method for uploading questions.
  7. Facilitating the constraints of students who do not have some tools for practical tasks when making videos. Students are allowed to borrow laboratory equipment with administrative procedures of borrowing laboratory equipment and not charged, for the purposes of making practical tasks.